Tuesday, February 15, 2011


After all that remodeling and cabinet ripping-out and wall-destroying and concrete jackhammering and tree removal, our backyard looked kind of like this.

It got even crazier as the week went on... they found crazy stuff.  Some owner at some point built a back retaining wall by burying old water heaters, which our guys dug up.  Many dead trees and the awful entirety of our white tile floor were added to this pile.

This device came in handy.

After a week of negotiating with Kafkaesque L.A. bureaucracy for a dumpster permit, that glorious morn did dawn... trash day!  Time to get it all out.  Eight or so guys lugged all this concrete and assorted junk down our dilapidated stairs for two days.  Much better!

Someday, my Wylms, grass will grow here... it will become a verdant wonderland!
See, it's practically that way already!

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