Saturday, March 5, 2011

a post full of Sarah shots

It's come to my attention (thanks Mom!) that there aren't enough photos of me on this blog. I was trying to do that on purpose, I'm not photogenic and I always dislike photos of myself, no matter what anyone says about them. But I'm relenting, and this post will contain ALL PHOTOS of ME (happy Mom?)  :) 
Without further ado, here I am....

Here's a blurry shot of me, and a much better shot of the new paint and floors! Don't they look nice?

I can't say I like this shot, but Daniel does so it made the cut. Here's me on our porch, while the floor is being installed behind me. Part of our remodeling plans include covering the porch in wood planks, to cover up the tile and stucco. Should look good!

Here's the back of me, AND the back of our house! Notice the new siding on the right. We believe that was once a back patio, but at some point it got walled in and will now be our laundry/storage room. Whoever walled it in did a pretty shabby job so Javi our contractor added some nicer siding to the outside. It's MUCH better than the plywood siding we had before!

Speaking of siding, here I am checking our the new shingles Javi added to replace the ones that had either rotted or were missing. He's such a great contractor, he even went to the trouble to find old style shingles to match our house. Once the exterior paint goes on, you'll never be able to tell where they were missing! 

And I lied, I'm not in all of the pictures. I had to add this one though to show you our new floor completed! Our house is starting to look like a real home, we're so excited!

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